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Comprehensive Professional Development Solutions
Empowering  Educators,
Improving Education

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Professor Patty Cake ® Consulting, L.L.C.

Career Coaching Services options include face-to-face and virtual coaching sessions, job search optimization support (JSOR), resume writing, interview preparation, graduate school application assistance, certification test preparation, edTPA portfolio preparation support that have specially designed to support the unique professional goals of each educator. 

Resting After Workout

Educator Health & Wellness Coaching Services are available for individuals and groups. Options available include in person and virtual coaching focused on effective stress management techniques, burnout prevention, resiliency building, and health & wellness goal setting that are specially designed to meet the needs of each educator and/or organization.

Clapping Audience

Professional Development Workshops and Ongoing Training are available on site or virtually. A wide range of training topics are available including effective strategies for literacy development, SEL implementation, culturally responsive instruction, and data-driven decision making. All workshops and trainings are tailored to meet the specific needs of each organization.


Leadership Capacity Building Services are available for individual leaders and leadership teams. Options available include in person and virtual leadership coaching, leadership capacity building workshops, leadership team meeting/retreat facilitation, and leadership capacity building consultations and walk-throughs specifically designed to meet the unique needs of the individual leader or organization.

Preschool Teacher and Students

Instructional Coaching Services include instructional observation & feedback, lesson planning & modeling, curriculum development & mapping, student data analysis support, book study facilitation, classroom management support, and first year teacher support specially designed to support the unique needs of each  teacher and organization.

Microphone Closeup

Motivational Speaking and Keynote Speeches are available for school assemblies, conferences, retreats, and staff development events. A wide range of educational topics and speech lengths are available. Speeches are tailored to meet the specific needs of each organization.

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